What is your plan to grow your law practice?
Has that plan delivered what you wanted or only a fraction?
The classic model of growing a law practice is to do your work, attend a few events, and hope that your practice eventually grows.
In other words, it’s “growth by tension”...
Because you never know where your next client is coming from and can end up in a cycle of feast or famine...growth is unpredictable, unsustainable, and doesn’t yield a reliable book of business.
Instead, we want to focus on growing a law practice by design.
Because we want to develop a system for growth that delivers results repeatably and reliably.
We do this by looking at your actual or desired book of business and designing for growth.
And we don’t do this at the firm level, but at the individual level - with the partner, founder, or senior associate.
We do this in three ways that are powerful individually and together where they interact creating a multiplier effect:
1. Process
We get a specific “process” dialed in to generate prospects regardless of whether you know them or they know you….we want you to know how to fill your calendar whenever needed.
We use a deck or verbal pitch that can take a prospect from a stranger to signing a retainer, in one call or meeting.
We develop a scalable model where you can charge premium fees and service clients with less work...i.e. decoupling from dependency on the billable hour.
And repeat...
2. Strategy
The world of law firms was traditionally made by men for men…
And many women tell me they don’t want to be like the male law partners they see working 24/7…
So we change the dynamics strategically, e.g. developing HIGH-value niches within your chosen area, with LESS work.
Also, most lawyers get into law to help people, but end up feeling like that hamster in a wheel...
Instead, we want to tap into that original energy - by design - using methods to analyze client needs in a completely new way to seize the untapped opportunities…
The goal is that you find your own lane, reduce your workload, and charge premium fees...
3. Mindset
In business, we must attend to the two things that make YOU successful: your skills and your mindset.
Of the two, your mindset is the most important as it drives everything - so we focus on overcoming doubts, seeing opportunities, and thinking and acting as your own CEO, as well as seeing tangible wins.
Because we never want to leave anything to chance, let things stagnate, or let an inadequate cycle repeat...
Design for real growth! 🔥